Fretboard Geek

Blog & Articles

Is music theory helpful for improvising guitar solos?
In the context of improvising guitar solos, the trademark skills of blues, jazz, and rock guitarists, is music theory helpful? And if so, how to get the most out of it?
Which Tonewood is best for the fretboard?
Choosing the best tonewood is a matter of knowing on which side of the sonic spectrum you stand. In this article, we will give you insight into how to find which fretboard tonewood suits you better!
5 steps to learning the guitar fretboard
Although it may be a never ending goal to “master” the fretboard, we prepared 5 steps to guide you in your journey from learning the first chords to being able to immediately recall all shapes for rhythm...
The most important skill a session guitarist needs.
This question pops up a lot with professional musicians. In this article I want to focus on what I think is the most important skill a session guitarist has and answer based on my personal experience and...
Introduction to 7 and 8 string guitars
If you’re just about to buy your first 7 or 8 string guitar, or you own one and are wondering what the first steps in mastering the extra string should be, this article is for you!
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